Natter Natter Natter Natter Natter Natter Natter

My gran could talk night and day

Chatter Chatter Chatter Chatter Chatter Chatter Chatter

It she ever stops it’s only because

She’s trying to think of something to say

Yakkity Yakkity Yakkity Yakkity Yakkity

She’d talk for England if she could

Clackety Clackety Clackety Clackety Clackety

And now I come to think of it

England wishes she would

We’d beat Brazil home and away

Germany wouldn’t stand a chance

We’d thrash Portugal and Argentina

And win nine-nil against France.

She’d run rings around Russia

Prattling on like she’s insane

She’d even learn to gossip in Spanish

If it meant getting the better of Spain

She’d talk the hind leg off a donkey

She doesn’t need to practice much

And she be twice as good as Holland

Because she talks double-Dutch

And after we beat Italy

In the final of the Talking World Cup

She’d say she was just getting started

And had no intention of shutting up

But sometime she’d have to retire

And she wouldn’t scream or squawk

Because she’s landed a job

As assistant manager of TalkTalk