She was called Festerbestertester

And embarrassed by her name

For her classmates laughed at her

And she held her parents to blame.

“Oh, mum why couldn’t you have picked

Sue or Sharon or Sam or something similar

Felicity, Fiona or Fizz

Or something quite familiar

What’s the matter with you and dad

What were you thinking at the time

It’s one thing having a stupid name

Quite another one that rhymes

Mum was stern when she replied

Don’t feel embarrassment or shame

The Festerbestertesters go back in history

And we are proud of the family name

When Julius Caesar invaded Britain

He made his capital at Cirencester

And who do you think he put in charge

Luigi Festerbestertester


Whenever Henry Xlll got married

He was entertained by his court jester

And his wives laughed their heads clean off

At Charlie Festerbestertester

There was only one man for the first Elizabeth

And he was the Earl of Leicester

And she never loved another

Until she met Shakespeare Festerbestertester

Now when Lord Nelson hit a storm

And called for his sou’wester

Who do you think brought it him

But Captain Festerbestertester

In the history of the Church of Rome

The Italians say who issa besta

The Eenglishman, they all agree,

Pope Paul Festerbestertester

And who revolutionised fashion

By inventing polyester

It wasn’t Marks or Spencer

But Professor Festerbestertester.

So you see my daughter

Why you should shout your name out loud

It’s not to be ashamed of

We have done our country proud.

Oh mum you don’t listen

I am proud of our family

I am angry you took so little thought

When you chose a name for me

All the kids take the mick

They laugh at me all the time

Because how you picked my name

So it became one long rhyme…

Mum, why did you have to call me ESTHER?