Old McDonald had a farm

And on that farm there was a cow

Who hadn’t learned to moo

She simply didn’t know how

So old McDonald had to show her

“I want a moo moo here

A moo moo there

I want a moo moo, everywhere.”

And the cow said, “Oh!

“All right, I’ll give it a go.”

Now on that farm there was a goat

Who always wanted to eat

But she had never bothered to learn

How to utter a single bleat

So the farmer had to show her,

“I want a bleat, bleat here

A bleat, bleat there.

I want a bleat, bleat everywhere,`”

And goat said,”Right you are.

“It’s easy to go Baah.”

And on the farm there was a horse

So busy eating hay

She’d never learned

Between bites, horses should say “Neigh.”

So the farmer had to show her.

“I want a neigh neigh here

A neigh neigh there

I want a neigh neigh everywhere.”

And the horse said “ Right.

“I’ll do it every morning and night.”

Now on that farm there was a duck

And the farmer was taken aback

To learn the duck

Had never learned to quack.

So he had to show her.

“I want a quack, quack here.

“A quack, there there.

“I want a quack quack everywhere.”

And the duck said :”I will

“I have plenty of quacks inside my bill.”

Well, on that farm there was a dog

His job was to look scary and tough.

But he didn’t frighten anyone

Because he couldn’t say Woof

So the farmer had to show him.

“I want a woof-woof here.

A wood-woof there,

I want a woof-woof everywhere,”

And the dog said: “While I’m in the yard

“I’ll woof, because I’m on guard.”

And on that farm there was a hen

Who’d never learned to cluck

She was too busy pecking and

Scratching in the muck.

So the farmer had to show her.

“I want a cluck cluck here

A cluck cluck there

“I want a cluck-cluck everywhere.”

And the hen said: “Ok,  OK,

“I’ll cluck-cluck every day.”

And the animals said to Old Mac

It was time he learned to sing

Whats the point of being in a good mood

If you only say everything?”

But the farmer had never learned

So animals had a go

Now you copy us they said

And he sang E-I-E-I-O