I have been commissioned by HMG

To map your beauty for all to see

With specific reference to

The scenic routes from A to B

My knowledge must be intimate

To every inch and its fraction

Because the legislation is in place

To declare you a natural attraction

I’ll need access to your heartland

My contours will ripple from there

I’ll traverse your undulations

Establish a private thoroughfare

I shall conquer your mountains

And descend into your valleys

I’ll march across your plains

And explore your entries and alleys.

People will recognise my symbols

For your eyes, your nose, your lips

All your tourists will want them

At their Googling fingertips

They want to know to the last degree

The angles of your elevations

And they want to experience them all

As ordnance survey revelations


My woman’s got an eager beaver

It’s certainly very keen

It always wants to come and play

And she keeps it very clean.

She says it is her duty

To keep her beaver well prepared

You never know when it might be needed

So it’s always brushed and aired

She let me take photos of it

And post them on Facebook

There wasn’t a bloke in town

Who didn’t have a crafty look

Now lots of men visit her

You’d think she’d give it a rest

Yet it’s always ready for action

My mates are all impressed

They say show us your eager beaver luv

Can we give it a stroke and a pet

While I’m standing here wondering

Why her beaver’s so slippy and wet

Is it because it’s so excited?

So happy and so skilled?

I guess that’s the way beavers are

When there’s another dam to build.


The boys scouts are demonstrating their knots

The WI serving lukewarm tea all day

There are flies already round the cake stall

And the tombola for some bath salts is under way;

The curate has started the snail race

But the snails are refusing to go

The bouncy castle is slowly deflating

Just two chihuahuas in the novelty dog show

There no prizes left in the Lucky Dip

Which was run by the vicar’s wife

Now she’s showing off her first aid skills

But there’s no queue for the kiss of life.

The choristers will be singing Jerusalem

Following a fashion show by girl guides

Next up the dancing from the bible class

And a limping donkey giving limp donkey rides

The vicar has begun his speech

And he hasn’t come up for breath

About half past two it starts to rain

At the church fete worse than death

Then the boys scouts kidnap a sidesman

And set fire to his trousers for fun

His yells are drowned by the noise

Of the curate firing  his gun

As he mows down the Mother’s Union

To stop their incessant sobbing

For the chairlady has discovered to her cost

He’s put acid in the apple bobbing

Someone hid razor blades in the bran tub

Sloshed excess fuel on the charcoal too

Behind his beard the janitor’s face lit up

When he put a match to the barbeque

The WI are pulling fingernails

Of every member of the choir

The vicar’s wife has attacked her husband

And is garrotting him with wire

Shouting every year it’s the bloody same

Until she’s drawn every ounce of breath

Then at four at least it stops raining

At the church fete worse than death


BLUES SONGS (A little dated now, sorry)


There’s a mean train a coming

It should be rolling round the bend

Cept, it ain’t never left the station

And I’m stuck here till the end

Mmmm MMM mm Oh yeah

You treated me wrong woman

So I’m leaving you today

You’ll never see me again woman

If I ever get away

Got my one-way ticket to freedom

And I ain’t never coming back

I’d be a thousand miles gone now

But the wrong kinda snow’s on them tracks

Yeah, I got those platform blues real bad.



I got this coldcallerman

Who rings about five

Sounds like he’s from India

But says his name is Clive

I say, hey, Coldcallerman

Don’t give me none of that jive

(Ahh dat’s what I done told him)

Cos I got all these problems

Piling up at my door

Bad mama’s on a cliff edge

And can’t take any more

She took all my money

An now she’s gone missin’

Shot my dog too, whoa-a

And I just need someone to listen

And Coldcallerman, he say, son

That sure is bad, oh my oh my

But I wonder if you’ve got a moment

To talk about PPI?


The Second of April, 1801

Nelson’s greatest victory fought and won:

Copenhagen. You’ll have heard the story,

How he turned a blind eye to all but glory.

The most audacious act in naval history.

Sheer genius, but here’s the mystery…

While Nelson’s triumph at Trafalgar is celebrated,

His victory over Denmark is not commemorated.

The Danish ships were battered or ablaze

On one of England’s greatest days.

But where now are the tributes and accolades?

The memory of his courage allowed to fade.

Yet we have proud Days for VJ and VE,

Surely now we need a date for VD?

It’s time to remember why he was lauded

And how his men were rashly applauded;

The public fervour the crews generated,

When they returned from Denmark all venerated.

The Danish fleet were simply no match,

And it’s true our men were up to scratch.

But it was Nelson who led them across the sea,

Nelson who brought the nation VD

So, let the cry ring out: VD! VD! VD!

Horatio! Horatio! You gave us all VD!